About J&S Migrators Guide Service

About J&S Migrators Guide Service

Jesse Stribling

Jesse Stribling

For everyone that may not know me , my name is Jesse Stribling owner of J&S Migrators Guide Service LLC. I have owned and ran my outfitter business since 2012. I have been based out of Southeast Missouri for the last 12 years, but I am originally from and live in West TN. I have spent my whole life hunting West TN up until I branched over into Missouri. We are excited to have purchased another farm & built another beautiful lodge located on the TN side of the Mississippi River. We have officially opened the doors to the new 6300 sqft duck lodge located on our private 300 acres of flooded woods. We felt the need to branch out to the flooded woods/corn fields to offer even more diversity with our hunts and are excited to offer some of the best hunting on the Tennessee and Missouri side of the Mississippi River at J&S Migrators Guide Service. I look forward to seeing all our hunter’s this season old and new !!! 

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Hunting Traditions

Hunting Traditions

We love seeing the pure excitement on our clients faces as they enjoy unforgettable hunts and experiences that will last a lifetime. Quality time spent with our clients has and will continue to create memories and friendships that will carry on for years. We have met some great people during our duck hunts over the years and hope to meet many more in the years ahead. We feel that in this business, clients are looking for an experience they will never forget.

The J&S Migrators guides will do everything possible to make your hunting experience an enjoyable one. We have opened our hunting traditions and lifestyle to you and your family and friends, so you can get the same enjoyment. We hope that you will let us share our passion and experience with you. Learn more about our lodging, licenses, and our rates.??

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